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Destiny Cannot be Changed- Story



                    Destiny Cannot be Changed


Jane and her family had recently shifted to London from Berlin. Jane is 13 years old girl, she lives with her mom Mrs. Shorocks, aunt Geeda and her 2 cousins. But somehow the family is not complete some elder is missing… of course grandpa. Where is he? What happened to him? You’ll surely find out the answers after reading out the story!!

Jane lived in Berlin with her family since birth, she studied in a high school. Her best friend was Loona Bimberton, they shared all their secrets with each other. The school was over and Jane was waiting for her grandpa (Abel) to come. After a few minutes a car arrived with Abel driving it. Jane wished Loona goodbye and went forwards the car. When she sat inside. Abel asked, “How was your day? Was everything alright? You seem to be disturbed.” Jane replied, “Please, grandpa, I am a grownup now. Don’t ask me such silly questions.” Grandpa said, “Oh! yeah! I remember I have planned a surprise for you my dear.” Abel loved here grand daughter a lot… Janes mood changed all her tensions flew flowered away like reiver water. She ironed her school uniform with hands and tied her have nicely. Jane “come on, grandpa lets go I am ready.”

          They reached to fair, Jane’s face lit up with happiness, she left grandpa’s hand and ran inside, while the ticket was being checked. After going inside, she enjoyed a lot, those stalls, rides, shops etc. But one thing was unusual there, a black coloured tent lapped with “Destiny is waiting for your”. Jane got curious and went inside it. There she saw an old lady wearing black dress and reading something in the glass globe kept in front of her. That lady suddenly spoke “Come on, my dear, sit here, I was waiting for you since ling time. “Jane didn’t believe in this magic so just to take fun she sat there but the lady words still echoed in her mind. After seeing something in the globe the lady stood up and had a strange reaction on her face as if Jane had done something. The lady I surely looked liked a black magic master or a with. But Jane kept her mouth shut as now she started felling afraid from that lady. As Jane was about to exit the old woman forcefully tied a black colored shake locked around her neck. Jane suddenly bet very heavy and certain shiver passed through he as if something wired was happening. Suddenly Abel entered the tent, he spoke some Spanish spell and the witch disappeared. Jane was surprised after such a moment.

          Abel holds her, sat in the car, and tried to reach home as fast as possible. Jane riled to ask him many questions but to each he replied “afterwards,” as if something very important and mysterious was going around his mind. As they reached home, Abel did actions and Shorocks and Gleda immediately came to knew what happened, their face also turned pale as if a big problem was about to arrive. Grandpa tried many more spells to break the locket but everything was useless. After more trips he asked Jane to quietly go to her room knowing that her face and mind now had changed into a battlefield. Jane was talking to Loona about it, the locked and after surfing for an hour Loona came to know it was a black magic locket, both of them were amazed that quietly Abel came inside and said Jane my dear, please keep this note with your very safely and use when the right time comes. He kissed her on her forehead and went away with tears in eyes. Jane could not understand of which time grandpa was talking and what she had to do? Next day when jane returned to house, she found that Abel was dead, she internally broke but somehow, she estimated from grandpa talk yesterday that he knew he was about to die. Jane asked this as question to her mother and surprisingly her mother agreed on her estimation her mother exclaimed Jane “My child, you are not an ordinary girl we belong to the family of mutants, half magicians and half humans, we live with humans like ordinary persons but use our powers when need. The mutants lord chooses one child from each generation as mutants’ leader, last to last time your grandpa was chosen he defeated the evil mutants to maintains peace in the world and now its your channel. Maybe that with which you met in the fair has killed your grandpa as witches and demons hate us.”  Jane could not understand it properly but somehow, she came to knew that her, destiny was been taking a twist, to protect Jane from evil mutants her mother and aunt Gleda look her to London. Where they could her without any problem. But they forget that Jane was carrying the problem every where with he the black locket. Shorocks and Gleda combined their power but still couldn’t break the spell. Still, they taught every spell, every trick to Jane they knew so that she could use they’re in emergency. Now Jane is   17 years old. Everything was going normal. One day on moonless night Jane was alone at home, she was talking to Joona on skype. Her beloveds had gone to a very urgent work in the city. While Jane was chasing. Loona noticed that her locket had started glowing and as Jane touched it she felt that it was as kit as frying pan kept on the stove. Slowly it became more brighter and hotter. Jane felt as if someone was pulling her life out of her and sucking it, she was slowly being killed.  The weight of the locket has suddenly increased that she could not bear its heaviness.  Immediately she remembered of the chit grandpa had given to her, she opened it and saw that it contained a spell, something related to life and mutants speedily she read that spell, but nothing happened, she read it twice thrice but no use Jane slowly started losing her consciousness that a voice of their grandpa echoed in her mind, “Never give up my child, never give up” Jane again heads the spell but this time with feel concentration and dedication.  It took a little time but, thank God spell worked.  The locket broke, Now Jane caught breath again and could feel her neck free all but poor Jane didn’t know about the spell which Medona spoke while tying the locket around her neck.  She spoke “The Lord of evil give and take apply this magic, when the locket break”, it meant that when the locket will break it will surely take something by giving the life of the one who more it. Same happened, when Jane broke the locket the locket granted Jane her life, but what did it take? It took Jane inside it. Actually, it was not a simple but a pathway to the world of evil.  Time passed. Jane slowly opened her eyes, she was not able to see anything, everything was dark and blurred. Slowly the sound of laugh came, it was a high pitch sound “Ha, Ha, Ha look who’s here, the leader of mutants or I can say ‘was’ the leader.  Shockingly Jane what? who said it?  come in front me” Medona came out.  Jane murmured. The fortune letter, the one I saw in the fair.” Medona’ yes, of course, and I am here to kill you and the other guardians of the earth and those foolish humans”. As we say good people ofcourse never die, their spirits are always alive. Similar happened with Jane’s grandpa. When Mrs. Shorrocks and aunt Geeda came to know that Jane was missing they quickly called grandpa’s spirit by some specific advanced magical rituals. They told his spirit everything that happened with Jane unfortunately Abel had lost his extraordinary powers after dying, now he was just a normal magician who could not at all beat Medona. Abel quickly went to the mutants living in the city. He asked them to give him I   no of their share of their power to him. To protect their spices and leader i.e., Jane from Madona they all agreed there were almost 10,000 mutants living in the city. All helped Abel to regain his power with those power he created a time travel vacuum, to reach the moment when Jane entered the locked. By using his super magical power, he succeeded and reached the time when Jane entered the locked, Abel became here shadow, to bide himself. He heard the conversations of Jane and Medona and realized that Jane couldn’t beat her. As till now Jane was not taught. He special tricks of leader Abel decided to transfer his powers to his grand daughter so that she could defeat Medona and being peace. He did so know that it was against time travel rules and his spirit could be finished forever it he did so but Abel took this risk while going he said in Jane’s ears “Jane, I am Abel, Dear daughter just have confidence yourself, you have lot of power inside you, just concentrate good bye forever11”. Jane knew her grandpa had been with her but now she could not feel his presence, she felt as if all her support had gone. Jane had no time a Medona was reading her most powerful spell, Jane had the power of love, kindness and peace which were for more powerful than any curse. Jane closed her eyes remembered her grandpa and did the same actions, which he taught her someday in her childhood as a game. Somehow Jane had a story felling, that it was not just a game step but something very special and now was the high time to do it. She did the same, suddenly some blue light started coming out of her and surrounded her, she was now standing in the air with her arms open as ready to do something big. She continued the spell a huge white rays came out of her hands and hit Medona’s heart. Meanwhile Medona tried her best to attack Jane but that blue light was like a shied made up of her grandpa love for her.

                   Medona died and automatically Jane came out from that dark place.  She was later found faint on her rooms bed.  When Jane woke up, she found the smiling faces of her Mom, Aunt and cousins surrounding her. Jane felt as if she had shouldered a very huge responsibility, but still there was a lot more for Jane to do.  You might be thinking grandpa Abel is how disappeared forever… But no, good people never die instead their spirits live forever.  But, as grandpa went against time travel rules.  He was punished, his powers were taken.  But still he is always ready to help or mentor, the new mutants leadu, JANE.

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