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The Life Story of an Indian Teenager




I am an ordinary Indian teenager boy and this is the story of my life and I am sure that it would be applicable to many more like me. It begins with a lot of fun and excitement but has few more years to go before I step into adulthood. Firstly, I would like to tell something about us – the new teenagers. We are not ordinary. We are the special ones. We were born in a modern world and most importantly, we are born in the new millennium – the 21th century. We belong to the breed of teenagers born in the year 2000 - a generation which has been lucky enough to have seen and used modern gadgets almost immediately after birth. We can proudly say that we are the 1st teenagers of 21st Century and are born in modern era. Though we have not seen the inventions of telephone, mobile phone, television, aero plane, cars, have not seen India’s freedom struggle, world wars and even the partition of India, but I can proudly say that I am one of those who have taken birth in this modern era - an era of technology, an era of high tech gadgets, an era where life moves as fast as it never did. People always think that gadgets act as distracters and they are destroying the future generation. But they are forgetting that these gadgets also play a great role in their lives too as these help us to share our views with the society and also make us happy in different ways. Now let me get on to my life - Life of a boy who has different ambitions, different goals, and different thoughts. I have categorized some of the past events of my life under the following heads:

My Childhood:

I don’t remember much about my childhood but my mother used to tell that I was very naughty. I also remember that I accidentally jumped from 1st floor when I was a 1½ year old toddler. But, luckily nothing happened to me. At the age of 5, I started earning….. got confused? This happened because of my aunt who graduated from N.I.F.T. and gave me an opportunity to move forward in the field of modeling. I was a very confident boy and was also the favorite child model of many of the photographers. I used to give every pose which they used to tell me and I enjoyed it too as being a child when someone clicks your pictures, you feel great. I also liked going for the shoots. One of my best shoots was at one of the malls of Noida where I shot for some newspaper advertisements. I remember that my mother used to tell me to sleep after coming from school because the shoots at the mall started after 11PM as the mall remained open till 10PM. The 1st day of my shoot was not as good, as my reel mother had to be changed because of certain reasons. So they cancelled the shoot that day the next day’s shoot was awesome I enjoyed it a lot but my father was asleep, so he slept on one of the sofas present there. That day, shooting continued the whole night.

Examination Days:

For me, exams meant simple class test. I was in an I.C.S.E. board school which was comparatively a difficult one as compared to other boards. We used to have no holidays during examination days. But it hardly mattered to me and two of my best friends as we used to study at night only. We used to enjoy throughout the year and study only during exam days. Our schedule for exam days was fixed. We used to return to our respective homes after giving the exam, have our lunch and then we used to go to sleep. After having a good nap, we used to have our dinner and then sit on a table and a chair with our books and the syllabus, then see how many chapters are coming and finally we used to start studying. Chapters used to be so long and lengthy that sometimes we had to keep awake the whole night. There was also a rule amongst ourselves that whosoever finishes a chapter has to call and tell that he has finished that chapter. I know it’s really funny but we enjoyed it and we even scored good marks. Ahh …. I am missing those days.

Transfers, New School, New friends and New City:

My father has a transferable job, so we get transferred every 2 to 3 years. So making new friends and relationships has become my habit. Wherever I go, I mix up with new people, which I think is a good habit. But I make only good friends. I have seen many children who join the school and stay in bad company so as to become cool. But they forget that by doing all these things their image in front of teachers is becoming bad. So we should always make selective friends.

The Teen Age:

The word teenager means transformation of a child into a mature person. As a child, our parents used to do things for us, they used to make us study, and they also used to take decisions for us. But as we become a teenager we have to make our own decisions, have to study on our own, have exam pressure, have likes and dislike, are tensed about our looks and a lot of emotions which cannot be expressed through words. We have our own world. We have the liberty to live our lives. We neither fit within children as they are too small for us nor with the adults as they are too big for us. We get easily convinced to perform any act without thinking what we are doing and think that we are minors so no punishment would be given to us. This is the period of our lives when relations matter the most to us. We think that friendship, rivalry and love are the supreme things in our lives and we can even cross any limit to get these things.

This was all about that what a teenager thinks. Now let me tell you about my extraordinary dream.

My Dreams and Ambitions

My dream is to become an actor which now a days is not dreamt by many. I wanted to become an actor from my childhood. I also take part in dramas and plays. I also want to become a singer as I sing well. My dream is not only to become an actor or a singer, I also want to remove poverty from my country and this is also the main objective of our youth. Whenever we see that the other countries are developing, we feel that why our country cannot. Why our country cannot become the supreme power. All these things create a sort of restlessness and aggression in the minds of youth in a positive way and its outcome is also positive. If I become an actor I would use all the money to remove poverty from our country and would contribute to the development of our country. I firmly believe that one should always be clear about his or her goal in life and should pursue it, no matter whatever hindrances and obstacles come in the way.

My Life:

I think that I am a confident boy and I don’t have any stage fear. I always take part in co-curricular activities and I like to play video games as well as outdoor games. I am a naughty boy and I have done things in the past which are unbelievable. I and my two friends always used to sit in the front row as our seats were fixed. But as soon as our class teacher left the class, we used to change our seats. We used to sit at the last bench so that we could have fun. While sitting at the back, we used to make funny sounds and disturb others. The craziest thing which my classmates had ever done was throwing ink on our English teacher. I thank God that I was not involved in that activity. My classmates were such fools that they forgot that they were wearing white dress on that day. Whenever they threw ink on madam’s suit, the ink also used to come on their pants too. They were suspended for 3 weeks. Another funny act in which I was involved was when one of our classmates told us that it was birthday of our Hindi teacher. So we all decided to fall on madam’s feet as soon as she entered the class. We also decided to shut the door so that no other teacher passing through the corridor could see us. We executed our plan and we were successful. But the shocking part was that our teacher told that it was not her birthday and she made a complaint to our coordinator. We all were tensed that what would happen now. But we were lucky to get a simple punishment of taking 10 rounds of our school’s biggest ground daily for a week. It was the worst punishment we have ever got. I had two best friends in Naman and Krishna Dev. Naman was the only Muslim friend I had. I, Naman and Krishna Dev lived like brothers. Naman was closer to me. Whenever I used to go to his house, his mother used to cook some kababs and chicken biryani for me. The only problem we faced was that I lived at one end of the city and they both lived at the other end. But every Sunday we used to go to each other’s house. I can say that I was blessed to have such good friends.

Now I would talk something about parties we had at Jhansi. We used to have two to three parties in a month as my father had a very good friend circle. My father is multitalented. In all the parties, his presence used to be compulsory as he was the lime light of all the parties. He also used to sing songs and the most important thing was that he used to entertain all of us by cracking spontaneous jokes. I can confidently say that I was very lucky to have the best first year of my teen age as I could enjoy the best of everything.

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