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School Report on Independence Day


“One individual may die for an idea

But that idea will, after his death

Incarnate itself in a thousand lives.

That is how the wheel of evolution

Moves on and the ideas and dreams

Of one nation are bequeathed to the next.”

A great day and a proud moment for every Indian. There was celebration in the air and everyone took pride to be an Indian.

The staff, students and parents of the school gathered to celebrate the 69th Independence Day of our nation on Friday, 15 August, 2015 in the school premises.

The Chairman of the school was the revered Chief Guest along with the honourable Principal, who was escorted by respectable Middle School Coordinator and worthy Primary In charge and enthusiastic teachers and parents.


“Let your heart bask in free spirit

Let your soul soar high

With the essence of freedom…

One flag, one land, one heart, one hand.”

The National Flag was hoisted by the the Guest of Honour, and the National Anthem was sung with pride reminding us that National Flag is more than just cloth and ink. It is universally recognized symbol that stands for Liberty and Freedom. It is the history of our nation, and it is marked by the blood of those who died defending it.

 “When you stand for something that you believe in, you can change the world.”

All the students sang a melodious hymn ‘Light Of The World’ to invoke God to bless our nation as listening to music is such an uplifting and spiritual thing.

 “Meet the young India

Emerging with flying colours

Dynamic and versatile in every manner.

Let the world know

We are back with a bang.”

 The Investiture Ceremony was conducted by handing of the badges and the sashes to the newly appointed Prefectorial Body with pomp and show. 

The staff and students elected Anant as the Head Boy and Tanya Mehra as the Head Girl. The other members of the Student Council including the Sports Heads, the House Captains, the Vice Captains and the Cultural Heads shone and looked smart in their spic and span uniforms.

The Oath Taking Ceremony was done by the Principal, where she congratulated the newly appointed Council Members and stressed on the significance of setting priorities and the need to be  great leaders. She reminded them that they are the torch-bearers of all the values that the school stands for and urged them to take up their responsibility with commitment and integrity.

 To ignite in our hearts the passion of patriotism, a mesmerizing patriotic song was sung in unison by all the students ‘Hindutan Hindustan, Paun kahan aisi zuban.

 Music is the food of soul.

Yash of class-VI played instrumental music ‘Vaishnav jan to te ne kahiye je’ on Hawaiin Guitar which left the message of selfless service of people irrespective of caste, colour, creed or religion.

 “May the sun in his course visit no land more free, more happy, more lovely, than this our own country.”

The little gems of class-II Vidya and Resham recited a patriotic poem on ‘Bharat Varsh Ki Sair’.

 “One Nation, One Vision, One Identity”

With this message a spell-bound Cultural Programme on ‘Unity In Diversity’ was presented by the students of K.G.

 “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

A skit on ‘Azaadi Ki Kahani’ (The story of revolutions and independence) was shown.

The performance rose the spirit of Nationalism in the audience, showing thousands laid down their lives so that our country breath this day. Never forget their sacrifice.‘If death strikes before I prove my blood, I swear I’ll kill death.”

“Patriotism is a living fire of unquestioned belief and purpose.”

All the students and teachers in unison sang ‘Hum Matwale Jawan, Lekar Chale Karwan’.

The School Chairman addressed the audience giving the message that ‘He loves his country best who strives to make it best. May we think of freedom, not as the right to do so as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.’

Lastly, Vote Of Thanks was proposed by the Middle School Coordinator.                                             








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