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Havan Ceremony for Board Exam Students

Havan Ceremony for Board Exam Students

For the happiness, peace, health and prosperity in the family, we all recite the name of God, etc. In Sanatan culture it is necessary to perform ‘Havan’ daily or on important occasions for good luck. At the place where the ‘Havan’ is performed, it notonly has a positive effect on the people present, as well as the destruction of germs and viruses present in the environment, the environment is also purified, the body remains healthy. Because the atmosphere contains purified fire and smoke produced by the burning of incense-containing herbs, pure ghee, wood of sacred trees, camphor etc. used in ‘Havan’, the negative powers also run away.


'Havan' literally means lighting of sacred fire. The popular belief is that 'Havans' ward off evil, purify the air and sanctify the place. Performing ‘Havan’ in the school before the commencement of Board Exams has become a trend these days. It is believed that 'Havans'- cleanse the minds of the students and neutralize the exam-stress, which in turn raises their performance levels. The teachers believe that the students feel reassured when the entire school prays for their success and they seek the blessings of God.


A 'Havan' was organized in the school for the students of Class-X on 26 February 2020 to seek divine blessings from Almighty before the commencement of their Board exams. It was a way of wishing good luck and instilling confidence in them.


The Principal and all the teachers blessed the students to be the best version of them. On this auspicious occasion the Principal wished them good luck by offering them 'prasadam'. The students felt confident and motivated and reassured by seeing the entire school praying for their success and their performance level in upcoming Board Exams. They touched the feet of the Principal and their teachers to seek their blessings.








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