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Destiny vs Karma

Fate And Free Will In Hinduism



Destiny vs. Karma is a burning debatable topic. People have been debating on this topic for centuries and trying to prove their point that which one is more powerful. Destiny also known as fate means someone’s life is predetermined and preordained by God even before his birth. It refers to pre-set future. Karma means actions, works or deeds done by an individual. One has to face the consequences of his Karma.


Karma and Destiny are inter- related and dependent on each other and not opposing forces. Some people feel that Karma is more powerful than Destiny whereas some prove that Destiny plays the vital role in our life. If everything is predestined then we are merely puppets in the hands of God. We do not have any free will. All our actions are directly related to our destiny. Fate or Destiny is inevitable. As per our behaviour or actions or Karmas of our previous births, our Destiny is shaped.

It is a cyclic process. An individual who works hard day and night is not able to make his both ends meet whereas another individual who doesn’t make much effort or struggle to achieve something is able to get easy success. He enjoys every comfort of life. 

Once a great philosopher said, “You are the designer of your own destiny; you are the author, you write your own story. The pen is in your hands and the outcome is the decisions you have made.” 

Destiny is not set but it is only created by us. We invent destiny by making the right and wrong choices every day. Saints and sages have discussed and debated this and have reached on one conclusion that Destiny honours Karma.


What is Karma?

Karma means the actions and deeds done by us. How do we put our Karma into action? The answer is quite simple- by our thoughts. We human beings are like a human transmission tower, transmitting a frequency with our thoughts. If we want to change anything then we must change the frequency of our thought process. It’s because our thoughts turn into actions- our deeds. And our actions or deeds decide our character.


Once upon a time there were two friends- Vipul and Pradhan. A hermit told them that after a year Vipul would become a king and Pradhan would die. After knowing this Vipul became very arrogant, his deeds became shameful and cruel. On the other hand, Pradhan believing the hermit’s words that his time was short became generous and charitable. He devoted his life in the service of people. After a year, neither did Vipul become a king nor did Pradhan die. They decided to go in search of that hermit who had proclaimed some other future for them. They found him meditating in a forest. They questioned the hermit about his words. The hermit softly told them that Vipul lost his kingdom due to his evil deeds; and due to kindness and blessings of people Pradhan escaped from the clutches of death.

This short story shows the importance of Karma. There are various ways to elevate ourselves and to make our life fruitful. Performing of actions without selfish motive, acquisition of knowledge and devotion to God are the various ways by which we can spiritually uplift ourselves and attain salvation. One proceeding on the path of devotion can usher into the field of knowledge or enter the domain of Karma, and thus serve his fellowmen. Some towering personalities like King Janak of Mithila was as much as a distinguished ‘Gyanyogi’ as a celebrated ‘Karmyogi’. Adi Guru Shankracharya was a renowned ‘Karmyogi’ as well as a profound ‘Gyanyogi’ and also an unparallel devotee of God. 

Shreemad Bhagwat Geeta has very aptly stated an action performed as a duty renouncing fruits and attachment is regarded as the Satwik form of renunciation. One should put his heart and soul into whatever work we undertake. Selfless service should be the core of our deeds. Destiny merely holds back our energies which could be utilized and diversified to the hilt.

George Eliot once said, “Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds.”

Destiny may know where you are going but it is only upon you to drive down there. Destiny is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for. It is a thing to be achieved. There is a Sanskrit couplet: ‘Fortune favours the hardworking lion, the cowards talk of the gifts of God.’ Set aside the habits of staring at destiny to grant something instead work hard to fulfil your dreams. A sound body is the greatest gift of God. Youth is the time for work, for gathering knowledge and equipping oneself for the battle of life that lies ahead. If you want the crown of wantlessness and contentment in your later life, work hard now.

‘The key to success lies in proper and timely action.’ 

Life of Mahatma Gandhi reveals that he had realized the truth of this maxim and acted promptly. If you want to create a good impression upon those with whom you mix or come in contact, you can do so by your etiquettes. Most of us suffer from various ailments because we do not lead a regulated and balanced life. Real beauty doesn’t lie in physical appearance but in the goodness of heart which is reflected in good deeds or karmas. We must think first of the consequences of our actions before doing anything. We fight shy of the labour and make lame excuses to cover up our weakness. And put the whole blame on destiny. Every great masterpiece takes time to be completed. We should not become disheartened in the face of calamities, but should bear them cheerfully and wait for the sun to shine again and misfortunes to fade out. This optimism in the troubled times lessen our misery. It gives us the strength to create our own personality and character. We must understand ourselves to better understand others.  

               How is Destiny Created?

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  1. Too good, very much helpful..

  2. So wonderfully explained....its really amazing the way you have explained.

  3. Mam you have written it wonderfully.

  4. Very beautifully explained.Its amazing.

  5. It was nice and well articulated. 🌹

  6. Really nice. Since you have written about Karma, just want you to write next time about niskam karma, i.e. karma without having any expectations. If you are reading Bhagwad Gita regularly, it will help you in writing.

  7. Amazing article. So will explained the meaning of karma and destiny.

  8. It was definitely a good read, Mam Please do try medium.com or wordpress.com. Those two are better than blogspot for getting exposure to content.

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  9. Beautifully explained about karma

  10. इससे आसान और इससे ज्यादा सुंदर तरीके से कर्म और भाग्य के बीच की बहुत पतली रेखा को बहुत कम लोग ही खींच पाए हैं आपने जो कार्य किया है वह सराहनीय है भाग्य और कर्म के बीच में वास्तव में बहुत पतली रेखा होती है जिसे पहचान पाना मनुष्य मात्र के बस की बात नहीं है


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