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Report on English Poetry Recitation


Report on English Poetry Recitation

School Report On English Rhyme & Recitation

“Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” -Robert Frost 

With this pleasant thought in mind, Presidium School organized an Intra-Class English Rhyme and Recitation Competition for Grade- Nursery to UKG.

The students participated in the competition with great enthusiasm and exhibited the best of their talents and abilities. Their enthralling performances added to the serenity of the school campus. The excitement and spirit of a healthy competition could be seen on their faces throughout the competition. The day concluded with a cheerful note where the school Principal appreciated and applauded all the students for their wonderful performances. She reiterated that such competitions are a platform for young talents to develop confidence for speaking fluently and coherently.


Inter House Poetry Recitation Competition

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words, it is just another way of expressing one’s thoughtfulness and desires and letting the rest of the world be aware of the same. It is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings and emotions.

An Inter House Poetry Recitation Competition was held on Friday, 8 May, 2019 for the students from Grades-III to VIII at our school. Participants from different Houses- Coral House, Emerald House, Topaz House and Diamond House presented their poems with full vigour on varied themes like apartheid, civil war, terrorism, political issues and recent social issues. The competition included both self-composed and other poets’ poems. The other poems unfolded some European Folk Tales- Little Red Riding Hood, Dreams and some were on topics generating awareness and concern for our environment and nature.

The selection of poems was good and students performed with due stress on rhyme, rhythm, intonation, pronunciation and diction. It was overwhelming to see students recite beautiful poems in their sweet voices.

The event was judged by the Principal, the Middle School In-Charge and the Primary In-Charge. The results were announced to encourage the young ones for their efforts and commendable recitation.

“Poetry is not only dream and vision; it is the skeleton architecture of our lives. It lays the foundations for a future of change, a bridge across our fears of what has never been before.”

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