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“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” – Pablo Picasso

“Art connects what words cannot”, keeping the same ideal at the forefront, Ambience Public School, Safdarjung Enclave organized an Inter–School Art CompetitionRANGBAHAAR-2022-23 with the theme- ‘Harmony’ on 3rd September (Saturday). All the participants strived zealously to excel in their events. They expressed their creativity and unbridled imagination through the palette of colours.

The aforementioned quote rightly says that, art not only highlights our creative aspect, but it also expresses one’s inner feelings and desires. It is also a great way of discovering one’s passions and also gives us an opportunity to find a new way to love ourselves. Our school rightly believes in this and therefore never fails to provide an opportunity to encourage the talented students in pursuing their passion related to art and craft. Art education helps children to develop motor skills, language skills, social skills, decision-making, risk taking and inventiveness.

More than 40 reputed schools of Delhi & NCR (around 520 students) participated in the annual Inter School Art Competition-RANGBAHAAR-2022-23, held at Ambience Public School, Safdarjung Enclave, Delhi on Saturday, September 3rd, 2022. There were different categories in the competition for primary classes to senior students. Some of the categories were for gifted students as well. There were 18 Activities- Painting (III, IV & V), Pottery (III, IV & V), Origami (V), Paper Mosaic (VI), Madhubani Painting (VII), Mandala on Plate (VIII), Graffiti on Canvas (IX & X), Mixed Media (XI & XII), Free Art (6-16 years) and Pottery Competition (6-16 years).

All the participants exhibited their talent and skills with great enthusiasm and passion in different events. The competition was very exciting and participants gave their best shot. It was a day where we saw creativity exploding in every piece of art. It was a wonderful opportunity to think out of the box. The competition not only served its sole theme ‘Harmony’ but also gave a platform to display artist’s vivid ideas and learnt more by experiential learning. It also enhanced awareness amongst students so that the compatibility with nature becomes their motto in life. The competition was an enriching experience for all the participants. The event was very well organized and systematically planned and executed. 

“Art enables us to find ourselves and love ourselves at the same time.”

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