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“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

A school council provides platform to the pupils in a meaningful way in which many aspects of school life impact one’s development in a positive way. Ambience Public School, Delhi celebrated Investiture Ceremony for the academic session 2022-23 with great enthusiasm and dignity on 30th August 2022, Tuesday. With the aim that the leaders of tomorrow’s success need to possess a high level of problem-solving skills and leadership qualities, the newly invested office -bearers took pledge to shoulder their duties to the best of their abilities.

The students dressed in their resplendent uniform added to the grandeur of the event. The elected Leaders were conferred with badges and sashes. The Student Council took the pledge to hold the school motto. To give the feel of the democratic setup of Government the entire electoral procedure was followed. The students filled the nomination proforma, Teachers took the interviews of the shortlisted candidates who presented their manifesto. Then voting was done leading to the results and Investiture Ceremony.

Today was the momentous day of Investiture, to bestow responsibilities on the deserving, Young Leaders of our school. Their role now is to lead from the front, with their commitment, confidence and competence.

The Investiture Ceremony was conducted with great enthusiasm. The Investiture Ceremony was presided over by the Member of the School Management Committee, Directors of Ambience Schools, the Principal, the Vice-Principal, Teachers and Parents of the Students’ Council.

The event began by addressing the gathering by our School Principal, Mrs. Himani Asija. The Ceremony embodied the contribution of the school’s convention of delegating responsibilities to the newly elected office bearers, to spread the light of knowledge and pass on the rich legacy of values of Ambience Public School to their students. The Director of Ambience Public school, Mrs. Jeanie N. Aibara administered the Oath of Office to the newly elected Student Council. She also delivered a pertinent speech, acquainting the newly- appointed Council members with their duties.

The staff and students elected Pranoy Borah & Karan Dhiman as the Head Boys and Rhea Singh & Sneha Gupta as the Head Girl. The other members of the Student Council including the Sports Heads, the House Captains, the Vice Captains and the Cultural Heads shone and looked smart in their spic and span uniforms. Apart from this, School Captain, School Vice-Captain, School Cultural Captain, Vice-Cultural Captain, Sports Vice- Captain and Discipline Captain have also been made. The Captains, Vice-Captains, and other Captains and Vice-Captains of the House, standing in a semi-circle with the flag of their respective Houses, looked very adorable. Sports Captain, Vice-Captain, Discipline Captain, Club Presidents, Secretaries were all given badges, sashes and flower bouquets.

Vision of the School was presented by Jessica Kochar, the President of School Council.

Lastly, Vote of Thanks was proposed by Aditya Anand, the President of School Council. He extended a special gratitude to all the dignitaries and the parents of the Students’ Council for their benevolent presence at such special occasion. He thanked the school Management, Principal & staff for their support.    





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