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Ambience Public School, Safdarjung Enclave, held its 4th edition of Ambience Diplomacy Summit 2023 (Model United Nations Conference) on 19th & 20th August 2023.

The theme of the MUN Ambience Diplomacy Summit 2023 was ‘Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges’, which aimed to instill in young public speakers the power of their voices and how it should be harnessed into creating institutional changes. It aimed to educate students about current affairs, international relations, diplomacy, and the working of the United Nations

During the two-day events, 315 student delegates from schools of Delhi-NCR took on roles of international diplomats divided into 7 committees: United Nations General Assembly, United Nations Security Council, United Nations Human Resource Centre, United Nations Commission on Status of Women, United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime, All India Political Parties Meet and the International Press. Each presented resolutions regarding peace, justice and challenging issues like world peace; where the promising and eloquent diplomats debated, discussed and brainstormed on agendas like unconventional weapons, women’s political participation, healthcare and uniform civil code in their respective committees, the need of the hour, reconciling the right to data privacy with global security, eradicating poverty, combating environmental problems and combating defamation of religion etcThe emphasis was on breaking the wheel of silence and the need to raise our voices against injustice. The students learnt how to come to a consensus and recommend a solution. Most importantly, the students learnt how to conduct research and develop oratory skills. 

The conference commenced with the grand Opening Cremony celebrating unity in diversity. The Chief Guest was Justice Prateek Jalan, the Judge of Delhi High Court, Guest of Honour was Mr. Arjun Singh Gehlot, the school Principal, Mrs. Himani Asija, the Vice Principal, Dr. Shalini Prasad & the Headmistress, Mrs. Nitika Sakhun Choudhary. The event started with the Lamp Lighting, Invocation Stuti and Cultural Mélange along with the Speeches & Declaration of the Opening of the Summit. Justice Jalan iterated in his speech that we all are here for a purpose, and we have to fulfil it to the best of our abilities. Here he mentioned that in these trying times where rendering assistance to the common man itself is a challenge, the last resort of the world is in the hands of the children. The monumental efforts made by individuals working at all levels of life will make the world a better place to live.

On the 2nd Day in the Closing Day Ceremony, the Chief Guest was Mrs. Mrinalini Srivastava, the IPS Officer and the Director in the National Disaster Management Authority, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. and the Guest of Honour was Mrs. Sheela Gehlot, the Co-Chairperson of Ambience GroupMrs. Mrinalini Srivastava in her speech motivated the students by mentioning the theme of the summit ‘Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges.’ She reiterated the role of youth as global citizens and how children can become global leaders and change makers. The celebration culminated with medley of school band and orchestra, a Classical Dance-Malhar Jam, Speeches and the announcement of the results of the winner countries & delegates. The winning delegates & countries and the MUN Coordinator & Faculty Advisors were felicitated with certificates, shields and trophies. The overall Best School Delegation Trophy was won by Salwan Public School, Gurugram. 

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