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National Mathematics Day (22nd December)


(Commemorating the Birthday of Srinivasa Ramanujan)


      ‘The study of Mathematics, like the Nile, begins in minuteness but ends in magnificence.’


National Mathematics Day is observed annually on December 22 in India since 2012, to commemorate the birthday of the legendary mathematician – Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887 – 1920).

Mathematics is a dynamic subject. It challenges us to new horizons and forces us to look at new goals. Good Mathematics is not about how many answers you know. It's about how you behave, when you don't. Mathematics is a methodical application of matter. Mathematics makes our life orderly and prevents chaos. It nurtures our power of reasoning, creativity and thinking.


India has contributed a lot to the world of Mathematics. Right from the initial days when Aryabhatta gave the world of mathematics the digit zero to today when Indian mathematicians are ruling the world of mathematics. This includes names like Brahmagupta, Srinivasa Ramanujan among others. In celebration of such a tirade of achievements, the country has decided to celebrate 22nd December as National Mathematics Day.


National Mathematics Day is celebrated on 22 December every year to mark the birth anniversary of legendary Indian mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan and his contributions in the field of mathematics.


Srinivasa Ramanujan has greatly contributed towards mathematical analysis, number theory, infinite series, continued fractions, elliptic integrals, the Riemann series and the hypergeometric series. At the age of 12, he discovered his own theorems. He compiled 3,900 results by the age of 32 mostly on identities and equations.

To apprise our students about the importance of Mathematics and make it interesting for them, the school celebrated National Mathematics Day on 22nd December. This remarkable event commenced with the thought for the day, followed by news and a quiz. The students then presented a heart warming speech on Mathematics and a captivating poem on 3D shapes. They also told interesting facts on Mathematics and about contribution of famous Mathematicians. It was a strategically planned assembly, which inculcated love for the subject in the hearts of students.


Blooming Dales School presented a ‘Competition for Nursery to Class 12th’ to pay a tribute to the legend and spread the joy of learning and understanding of mathematics. The class-wise interesting theme based activities (15 minutes each) were organized at a larger platform:

For  Nur To UKG– Ramanujan’s Birthday Treat
For Class 1 And 2– At Ramanujan’s Birthday Party
For Class 3 To 5– Math Genius
For Class 6 To 8– Think Like Ramanujan
For Class 9 And 10– Begin Like Ramanujan
For Class 11 And 12– Advance Like Ramanujan


The special activity manual, all the required instructions/ description of the class wise activities had been provided to the parents of all the participants to heighten the competition level. Required resources such as handouts, worksheets etc were provided along with the activity manual a week before the competition.


Towards the end of the event, The Principal of the school inspired the students with her words of wisdom.

The true spirit of delight,

The exaltation,

The sense of being more than man,

Which is the touchstone of the highest excellence,

Is to be found in mathematics

As surely as poetry.

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