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Abraham Lincoln Day (12th February)


Abraham Lincoln Day (12th February)

(Abraham Lincoln: A President Who Changed the World's Thinking)

“Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”- Abraham Lincoln 

Many major leaders of the world still follow Abraham Lincoln's policies.

If any evil is to end, then it is necessary for someone to come forward who can change history with his courage and big decisions. Abraham Lincoln did the same thing. Abraham Lincoln is the name that every American child knows today. Abraham Lincoln has shown such a path to the world, on which many countries are following today. Read the wonderful story of Abraham Lincoln on his birthday, from which you too can take inspiration. 

His Difficult Childhood:

Abraham Lincoln was born at a time when slavery was steadily increasing in America. He was born on 12th February 1809 in Kentucky, USA. Born into a poor family, Abraham Lincoln had to face many difficulties since childhood. For this reason, he had also come into depression. But Abraham Lincoln was very fond of reading which helped him move forward.

As Abraham Lincoln grew up, he became independent (separated from family) and moved to another state, New Salem, where he did a job. When he passed through the streets, people of his tribe were seen as slaves by seeing them Abraham Lincoln was very sad to see. After this, he tried to do many businesses, but failed everywhere which brought a lot of change in his behaviour. But then Abraham Lincoln soon found himself and they married in 1842. They had four children, of whom only one survived with which Abraham Lincoln once again broke.


Rise of Lincoln:

Abraham Lincoln began his political career in 1843. He joined the WIG party and started campaigning. After this, he also won in elections. His image in the party was growing very fast. Later Abraham Lincoln openly opposed slavery. But there was no one to support him. Amidst all this, the murmur of civil war in America was intensifying. For many years it had become like gunpowder, which just needed a spark.


Slaves did not have rights:

Slavery was at its peak in South America. Here Black people (Negros) were brought to slavery in full. They did not get any rights. If a slave made a mistake, he was subjected to extreme tortures. The children were snatched from their parents and put into slavery. This made the Negros furious. For this reason, the Republican Party was born in 1854. 

Abraham Lincoln had become quite popular by now. He once again came to power and stakes a claim for the presidency. Elections were held and America got its President in the form of Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln is the first President of the Republican Party.


Facts related to Lincoln:

  • ·        Lincoln was the first President of the Republican Party of America.
  • ·        Received the office of President in 1860.
  • ·        Lincoln laid the foundation to end slavery in America.
  • ·        Amazing understanding shown during civil war.
  • ·        Lincoln was assassinated on 15 April 1865.
  • ·        US President Barack Obama also considers him his ideal.

Rise & End of Civil War:

People who supported slavery began to fear after Abraham Lincoln was elected as President of America. The result of which is that the 7 States separated themselves and made their own law. These states formed the Confederate State of America (CSA). After this the fight for right started. But Confederate State of America (CSA) was not ready to surrender under any circumstances. This civil war started in 1861 in which millions of people lost their lives. There was so much slaughter that Confederate State of America (CSA) had to surrender. This is where the Civil War ended in 1865.


Abolition of slavery:

Abraham Lincoln brought the 13th Amendment to abolish slavery. Slaves were given citizenship rights. After this, they are also brought an ordinance for the right to vote. Abraham Lincoln laid the foundation to end this practice that had been going on for many years. He took many decisions that benefitted crores of people. After this, his name was included in the greatest Presidents of the world. 

Abraham Lincoln gave his historic speech in Gettysburg just after the war. People still remember his two and a half minute speech. He said in his speech – “Government for the people, of the people, by the people shall not parish from the earth” means the government which is for the people, it should not be abolished from this earth.


The students of Holy Angel School presented school assembly on the occasion of Abraham Lincoln Day on 12th February                                              

Through a lively and interactive ‘Talk Show’, various stages of Abraham Lincoln’s life journey were covered, highlighting his character and immensely great achievements.

The students of class- 10th presented a Drama on ‘Abraham Lincoln’. The drama script creatively covered various characters with impressive dialogues. Also, the power point presentation on the life & works of Abraham Lincoln provided a deep insight of his life and unique qualities.

Apart from being a shrewd military strategist and a savvy leader, his most noted trait- honesty, gave him the title ‘Honest Abe’. The message of his most remarkable traits - honesty, perseverance, empathy, sympathy, thoughtfulness and distinctive leadership was conveyed to the students through this assembly.

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