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International Yoga Day (21 June): Theme, Significance & History


International Yoga Day (21 June)

Yoga is a powerful vehicle for change, as you build strength, You start to believe in your own potential.


What is International Yoga Day?

In ancient times, India was known as ‘the golden bird’. India was called Vishwa Guru, whose basis is considered to be Yoga. The great thinkers of India have tried to incorporate their knowledge in the Vedas and Puranas. These Vedas and Puranas have been composed by the great sages and hermits of India. The sages got this knowledge and enlightenment through yoga. Yoga keeps the mind and body healthy, which increases the power of thinking, critical thinking and fighting diseases.

The oldest identity of our country is yoga; through this the sages have benefitted the people more and more. Due to spread of science and technology in India, people's attention was getting away from yoga, due to which we were forgetting our culture. In order to spread its culture to the whole world including India, the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi informed about its benefits in the United Nations and proposed to celebrate International Yoga Day every year, which was passed by many countries including India. If yoga is not correlated with religion, then it is very beneficial for every person. Success was found in removing the biggest disease only through yoga. In allopathic, the treatment of whichever disease is said to be only operation, through yoga that disease can be eliminated with its root. Yoga is very beneficial for the body; through this one can lead his life properly without disease.


Theme of International Yoga Day 2021:

Every year International Yoga Day is celebrated on the basis of different themes. This year the theme of 2021 will be 'Be with Yoga, Be At Home' i.e. 'Stay with Yoga, Stay at Home'.

The theme of 2020 was- 'Do Yoga at Home.'

The Theme for International Day of Yoga 2022:

The Theme is “Yoga for humanity”. Yoga is universal.

International Yoga Day 2023: 

The Theme of Yoga Day is 'Yoga For Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' This year the theme of Yoga Day is 'Yoga For Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' i.e. Yoga for the welfare of all in the form of 'One World-One Family'.

The Theme of International Yoga Day 2024: 

The Theme is “Humanity.” Yoga Day celebrations aim to create awareness about the holistic nature of yoga and encourage people to incorporate it into their daily lives for enhanced well-being.


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When did International Yoga Day start?

Realizing the importance of yoga, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi took the initiative in his speech at the United Nations General Assembly on 27 September 2014.

Along with this, India introduced the proposal of International Yoga Day. 190 countries gave their support to this proposal, 40 Muslim countries were also involved in this support. Within 90 days of the presentation of the resolution, on 11 December 2014, the United Nations passed this resolution with a majority. In this resolution, it was announced to celebrate International Yoga Day on 21st June every year.


When was the first International Yoga Day celebrated?

The first International Yoga Day was celebrated on 21 June 2015. On the initiative of India in the United Nations, almost all the countries of the world had joined this campaign to spread yoga to stay healthy. A special feature of the day of 21st June is that it is the longest day of the year and continuous practice of yoga gives a long life to a person, so it was decided to celebrate this day as Yoga Day.


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Why is International Yoga Day celebrated only on 21st June?

There is a reason behind celebrating International Yoga Day on 21st June. This day is the longest day in the northern hemisphere, which is called summer solstice. According to Indian culture, after the summer solstice, the sun becomes Dakshinayan, the time of Dakshinayan of the Sun is considered auspicious for attaining spiritual accomplishments.


Importance of Yoga Day:

Yoga is considered a symbol of ancient Indian art. Indians consider yoga important to maintain positivity and energy in life. The purpose of celebrating this day is to create awareness among people about yoga and also to make people stress free. Yoga is a five thousand year old heritage of Indian knowledge, whose originator is considered to be Maharishi Patanjali. The full essence of lifestyle has been included in Yoga Sadhana.


“True meditation is about being fully present with everything that is–including discomfort and challenges. It is not an escape from life.” - Craig Hamilton


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