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Martyrs’ Day/ Shaheed Diwas (30th January): History, Significance & Observance

Martyrs’ Day/ Shaheed Diwas (30th January): History, Significance & Observance

“Our greatest ability as humans is not to change the world; but to change ourselves.”- Mahatma Gandhi



30th January is observed as Martyrs’ Day/ Shaheed Diwas in India, as it is the death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.  


In India Martyrs' Day is observed on 30th January, the death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi- the Father of the Nation. It is also a day to salute the martyrdom of soldiers who lost their lives defending the sovereignty of the nation.


In India, there are six days declared as Martyrs’ Day (at national level also known as Shaheedi Diwas). They are named in honour of those who are recognized as martyrs as they sacrificed their lives for the nation.


30th January is the date observed as Martyrs’ Day at national level. The date marks the assassination of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in 1948. On Martyrs’ Day the President, the Vice President, the Prime Minister, the Defence Minister of India and the three Defence Forces Chiefs gather at Raj Ghat memorial and pay homage to the Father of the Nation and all other martyrs, who sacrificed their blood for the honour of the country.


What happens on this day?


The President, Vice President, Prime Minister and Defence Minister of India visit the Samadhi of Mahatma Gandhi at Raj Ghat. All the dignitaries pay tribute to Gandhiji and his contributions in the freedom struggle are remembered. In the country, 30th January i.e., the death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi is remembered as Martyr's Day. On this day many meetings are organized across the country to pay tribute to Mahatma Gandhi.


Why is Martyr's Day celebrated on 30th January?


He was the Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi who was assassinated by Nathuram Godse at Birla House during the evening prayer on January 30, 1948. Mahatma Gandhi was a freedom fighter, a simple man with great determination, a man who had sacrificed his life for the cause of freedom. On this day i.e., January 30, Bapu breathed his last and became a martyr. The Government of India declared this day as Martyr's Day or Martyr's Day.


A respectful salute is also given by the Armed Forces personnel and inter-service contingent in honour of the martyr. A 2-minute silence was observed in the memory of the Father of the Nation, Bapu and other martyrs across the country.




“A man is but a product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomes.”- Mahatma Gandhi



Martyrs’ Day Observance in Schools:


Martyrs' Day was observed by The Aryan School in a special assembly presented by Class-11 students. The assembly started by paying floral homage to Mahatma Gandhi, followed by Word of the Day, Thought for the Day, News, Quiz and Speech based on Gandhiji's life, followed by his favourite prayer song- 'Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram..' which was sung by the whole school.


The students presented an inspirational assembly Skit, which took us back in time where the reaction of people in a small area of India, on hearing about Gandhiji’s assassination by Nathuram Godse on 30th January 1948 is shown, followed by a prayer meeting, ‘In memory of the unmatched legend - Mahatma Gandhi’.


Special prayers were observed by the school choir & instrumental music group and a drama was presented showing Gandhiji’s sacrifice and perseverance which proved his undying will power to never leave the path of truth and non-violence. Gandhiji fought with utmost dedication so that people would get freedom not only from the British but also from poverty, diseases, superstition and ignorance. In today’s world, where students lack patience, empathy and resilience and with the increasing violence in the world, Mahatma Gandhi is not only a person to remember, but a way of life for our future generations to adopt. The assembly not only covered Gandhiji’s views, works and philosophies but also its relevance in today’s age.


The inspirational thoughts of Gandhiji reverberated in the assembly when a power point presentation was shown to the students in the assembly. A short movie on Gandhiji was also shown to make the young minds know the great works & philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi. The School Principal motivated the students to learn from his life to go a long way in shaping their character and future. She kindled the spirit of pride and gallantry among them.


The management, staff & students paid 2 minutes silent tribute to the Father of the Nation at 11.00 am.


“Service without humility is selfishness and egoism.”- Mahatma Gandhi


Also Read: School Report on Martyrs' Day/ Shaheed Diwas (30th January)





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