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Silent Heart Attack Symptoms


Silent Heart Attack Symptoms

(These 4 symptoms of silent heart attack can be a danger sign, do not panic when you see them, and follow these tips)

Some symptoms of silent heart attack are so common that people ignore them, so it is considered more dangerous than a normal heart attack.

Heart attack is considered a dangerous disease because sometimes this disease does not even give the patient a chance to recover. Many times, after showing symptoms, if the patient does not get treatment at the right time, then the person dies within a few hours or minutes. But do you know that there is a heart disease more dangerous than heart attack, which is called 'silent heart attack'. The most common symptom of a heart attack is that the person has severe chest pain. But in the case of silent heart attack, the person does not show any such symptoms, which should be taken seriously. In such a situation the person ignores the symptoms and dies suddenly.

The disease is not detected in the body:

Heart attack usually occurs when the blood flow in any part of the heart is not being done properly, causing the muscles in that part of the heart to die. Usually this condition comes suddenly and is fatal. There can be many reasons for heart attack, which keep increasing the danger in your body throughout life, but you do not even know. Usually by 40-45 years of age, if the person does not have the disease and his body is doing the right thing, then he feels that he is healthy. But sometimes due to some small wrong habits, such a situation is created in your body, due to which the risk of heart attack increases after the age of 45-50 years.


Why is silent heart attack a dangerous situation?

Silent heart attack is considered a very dangerous condition in medical science because many times the first symptoms of such a heart attack are so common, that the patient feels that there is a minor problem every day. During a silent heart attack, a person who looks at them may feel absolutely normal, so people present nearby are also unable to help in such a situation.


4 Symptoms of Silent Heart Attack:

There are usually 4 signs of silent heart attack, which should make the person aware of their appearance.

  • ·        There is a feeling of sharp restlessness in the middle of the chest, as if someone is pressing the chest very fast, there is a sharp pain or someone is mashing the limbs in the fist. These symptoms may persist for some time or may be felt by moving between a few seconds and minutes.
  • ·        Feeling discomfort in the upper parts of the chest, such as strange discomfort or pain in the shoulders, both arms, back, neck, abdomen and jaws. The patient may feel restless in one of these organs, or may have multiple organs simultaneously.
  • ·        Along with the pressure in the chest, the person starts having trouble in breathing, so much that he cannot breathe properly.
  • ·        Head heavy, dizzy and sudden cold sweating.


Important things to pay attention to silent heart attack:

Many times a person becomes normal after showing these symptoms of silent heart attack. But this is an indication that you will have a second and third attack soon, which will not give you a chance to recover next time. Therefore, if any of these symptoms appear, contact the doctor as soon as possible and seek the necessary advice.

Many times the chest pain in silent heart attack is so mild, that a person may feel that he or she is having pain due to gas or stomach disease. Therefore, be careful when you see other symptoms along with chest pain.

Chest pain alone is not a symptom of a heart attack, so do not panic if someone suddenly has chest pain, but consider it to be a heart attack only when other symptoms appear.


Why does silent heart attack occur? (Causes of silent heart attack)?

Usually the risk of both a normal heart attack and a silent heart attack increases with a person who may be at risk of these diseases due to obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol level and diabetes. The only difference is that in case of silent heart attack the person does not understand what he should do.


Health Alert:

(If not taken care of health before the age of 40, then the risk of heart attack in old age will increase)

If you become a victim of high blood pressure or high cholesterol before the age of 40, then you are at a higher risk of heart attack in old age. According to research, your health in puberty has an effect on the health of your old age.


If you have controlled your cholesterol and blood pressure before the age of 40, then you will not be at risk of heart attack in old age. In a recent study, it has been claimed that if you fall ill before the age of 40, it also affects your old age. It is important for you to know here that 'heart attack' is the cause of most deaths worldwide.


How much should blood pressure and cholesterol be? 

According to this study, if the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) in your body increases to 100 mg / dL or more in puberty, then the risk of heart diseases in old age increases up to 64%. These studies have been published in the Journal of American College of Cardiology. In the same study it has also been reported that if your blood pressure is 130 mm Hg or more, then your chances of getting a heart attack during old age increases by 37%.


Do not wait if you want to be healthy:

It is often seen that young boys and girls think that whatever food is to be eaten till the age of 25-30, then they will avoid it in their later life. But let us tell you that if you want to be healthy, do not wait. From today, instead of eating processed foods and junk foods outside, you should eat homemade food and include fruits and vegetables in your diet.


How research was done?

Data for blood pressure, cholesterol and cardiovascular health of 36,030 people older than 17 years were collected for this research. Researchers after research reported that increased bad cholesterol in the body before the age of 40 is associated with various heart diseases. Similarly, increased blood pressure before the age of 40 causes heart failure.


Eating healthy things later will not prevent danger:

According to researchers, young boys and girls should understand that it is important to live a good and long life, but if you eat unhealthy things for some time and then start eating healthy things, then the danger will not be averted. Healthy things mean things that can give you enough nutrients and antioxidants like green vegetables, coloured fruits, nuts, spices etc. If you want to be healthy, then from today you will have to change your eating habits, because the changes made later do not have much effect in preventing these diseases.


Do some exercise every day:

Exercise is also very important to stay healthy with the right food. All previous research suggests that exercising 150 minutes a week is very important to avoid diseases like cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, heart attack. Exercising 150 minutes a week i.e. 30 minutes 5 days a week will be sufficient for you. You must take out this much time to be healthy throughout your life.



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