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Schools Opening


Schools Opening from 2nd November

From 2nd Nov. regular classes will be held in schools and colleges, entry will be given only on consent letter

Regular Classes & Regular schools will be held in schools and colleges in the country from 2nd November (Monday) amid the threat of Corona epidemic. The children will come to school after a long gap of seven months. There will be neither prayer meeting nor sports activities in the school.


Due to the threat of Corona epidemic, regular classes will be held in schools and colleges of the country from Monday. The students will come to school after a long gap of seven months. There will be neither prayer meeting nor sports activities in the school. The students will also have to bring a parental consent form for regular classes. Parents' consent letter will be checked at the gate of school and college.


The students will be sent inside the gate one by one to comply with the rules of physical distance. The condition of the consent letter will also apply in the college. After the approval of the central cabinet, the education department has completed all preparations for holding regular classes in schools. The seating plan has been changed from school to college. The seating plan is designed in such a way that the physical distance law can be followed. In addition to the college, schools will have classes for children from 9th to 12th standard.

 Also Read: The Schools Will Open After 15th October

The oath will also be administered:

The students will also be administered oath in the schools. They will also be told to make people aware in the society by being vigilant towards the Corona itself. After the class is over, every child will clean their hands with sanitizer and wash with soap.


Plan prepared in schools and colleges itself:

The schools and colleges have prepared their own micro plan. The classes will be held in shifts in schools and colleges where the number of rooms is less. Sections will be made at schools and colleges that have adequate rooms so that the physical distance law can be followed. The department has instructed the schools to strictly follow the guidelines made for protection from Covid-19.


These rules will be followed:

  • ·        Thermal scanning of the students will be done at the schools and colleges gate. After this, they will be allowed inside.
  • ·        There will be a hand sanitizer in the campus.
  • ·        If a student has symptoms of cold, he will stay at home.
  • ·        There will be no prayer meeting, sports competition.
  • ·        Spitting anywhere on campus would be completely forbidden.
  • ·        Students, teachers, non-teachers will all come to school wearing masks.
  • ·        It will be mandatory to have hand sanitizer/ soap in schools or colleges.
  • ·        Teachers will not be able to force any student to come to school.


Instructions given for maintaining SOP: Secretary

Secretary Education, Anita Karwal said that regular classes will be held in schools from 2nd November, Monday. The school principals have been instructed to strictly follow the SOP.

Also Read: Ground Report on Schools Opening After 6 Months

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