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Global Climate Change Week


Global Climate Change Week

‘Global Week- Climate Change’

 ‘Nature is my God.

To me, Nature is sacred;

Trees are my temples and

Forests are my pilgrimage.’


At this time, seasonal movements such as Tsunamis, storms, earthquakes, floods and droughts are increasing all over the world. For this, the human being is responsible for tampering with Nature. For the past several decades, the temperature of the earth has been continuously increasing, which is changing the environment and cycle of seasons and natural disasters of devastation are being seen in countries all over the world.


Increased industrialization, excessive use of vehicles and deforestation has resulted in increasing emissions of greenhouse gases, creating an imbalance of energy in the atmosphere. Due to this, the heat emanating from the Earth's surface, instead of going up from the atmosphere, is reduced by about 90% due to the sheet of gases present on the lower surface and spreading over the sea areas, which is increasing the sea surface temperature and it is pointing towards global warming.


The same heat that is captured in the sea surface causes seasonal storms like sudden storms and severe rains. Due to this the capacity of storms is also very high and they can persist for a long time, causing the affected areas to suffer great devastation.


The increase in temperature increases the humidity potential already present in the air. Whenever the temperature increases by 1 degree, the humidity in the air increases by 7 percent. Due to this, the movement in the weather becomes gigantic. There are incidents of heavy rain, cloudburst and flash floods.


These weather movements cause landslides and traffic related catastrophes. It damages lives and goods on a large scale. Similar movements have been seen recently in some parts of India as well. The imbalance of weather in Kerala caused havoc in August. Himachal Pradesh also witnessed extreme form of weather.


Experts believe that the kind of changes that are visible all over the world since the last days may increase in the coming days. Not only will the number of disasters increase, but the scope will also increase. In view of this, there is a need to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, to protect the forests and forests from being cut down, to increase the ever-decreasing greenery from the earth. Otherwise our upcoming generations will have to bear the brunt of our mistake.

 Also read: Report on Disaster Management

The Little Angels School celebrated ‘Global Week’ from 19-25 October. A School Special Assembly on ‘Climate Change and Its Effects’ by Class-VIII was conducted to celebrate ‘Global Week’ in the school on October 19th.


The students of class VIII presented ‘Thought for the Day’, ‘News- National and International’,Weather Report’ and hardcore ‘Facts on Climate Change’. A heart-touching poem on ‘Climatic Changes’ was presented on the same theme. Valuable knowledge was imparted in the parts of famous Speeches on Climate Change at global level given by Barak Obama, Pope Francis and P.M. Modi in the U.N. Summit. A melodious group song by the class choir mesmerized the audience. Musically the class choir presented how man is responsible for the present scenario of the planet.


‘Climate Change doesn’t respect border; it doesn’t respect who you are – rich or poor, small or big and belong to which country. This is what we call ‘Global Challenges’.


The class presented a power presentation and a video on ‘Climate Change: It’s Time for Decisions Now’ which was an eye-opener for all and made us realize our roles in saving our environment.


At the end all the students took a pledge to do every possible effort to save our planet, the mother Earth.

The school Principal, Mrs. Nishi Jain appreciated the wonderful presentation of the School Assembly and reiterated on the collaborated efforts of everyone to make this world a better place to live.


Also Read: Report on Crisis Management

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