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International Day Of Happiness (20th March): History, Theme & Significance



(History, Theme & Significance)

(Know the history, topic and other important information of International Happiness Day 2022)


Whether it is happiness or sorrow, it is a wonderful art to always keep a smile on your face. Everyone has their own reasons for being happy. Although everyone tries to be happy, but its meaning is further increased when the people around you are also happy and relaxed. People are resorting to many things like good food, yoga, funny videos, cartoon serials and jokes to be happy. The smile on the face will always be there, along with the external things will be relaxed from inside. So why not be happy on this International Day of Happiness and share happiness with others as well.

What is International Day of Happiness? It’s a day to be happy, of course!


Is there any day to be happy? So the answer is probably yes. Perhaps the experiment is because International Happiness Day has been shaped to welcome happiness in life, not a day to be happy, but to be happy every day. In the last few years, the level of happiness among people has decreased and the level of mental diseases and suicides started increasing, so it is important for everyone to be happy. Learn to find happiness in small things.


History of International Happiness Day:

When is it celebrated?


The International Day of Happiness is celebrated every year on 20 March. With the arrival of spring season, the environment around it acts to fill a different enthusiasm and energy in the mind. And perhaps this is a big and good reason for celebrating it.


The International Day of Happiness, which is called the International Day of Happiness in the English language, is celebrated every year on 20 March.

The idea of ​​celebrating International Day of Happiness was by Jamie Ilyan, a UN famous social worker, who insisted that every high can be touched by making happiness the purpose of your life. His idea was also encouraged by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. In addition, 193 countries of the UN also supported the cause. After which the first International Day of Happiness was celebrated on 20 March 2013.


Since the year 2013, it is being celebrated all over the world. The United Nations General Assembly took a resolution on 12 July 2012. This resolution is based on happiness and desires in the lives of people all over the world. Presenting this resolution to the world, 20 March 2013 was declared as International Happiness Day. It has been celebrated with gaiety for the last eight years. However, it faded last year due to the Corona epidemic.

Also Read: à¤¹à¤®ेशा खुश कैसे रहें ?


International Happiness Day 2022- Theme:


Keeping the Corona epidemic in mind, the theme of this year has been - Keep calm, be kind and be wise. The meaning of the subject is such that if we have a tendency towards kindness for all, then everyone will be happy with us, we will also be happy. Our decisions were taken using wisdom so that later we have to be disappointed. Ever since Corona has knocked, it has become very important that we should be patient and calm in life. By following the subject, everyone in the world can try to be happy.


You can be happy like this-


-A research has found that people who get good sleep are happier, therefore, do not compromise with sleep. Negative things quickly prevail over those who sleep less.


-Instead of talking through the message, talking by phone also causes people's happiness.


-If you always want to be happy, then spend most of your time with positive and happy people.



Extraordinary thoughts related to happiness:


Life is too short. Keep smiling as long as your teeth are safe. -Malory Hopkins


People say that money is not the key to happiness, but I have always seen that if you have money, you can make a key. -John Reverse



International Day of Happiness (20th March), aims to convey that 'progress' should be about increasing human happiness and well being, not just growing the economy. Happy day as the name suggests. Everyone has different reasons to be happy and 20th March is the day to express its significance. Well, no one day is enough for this, every single moment you can celebrate your happiness.


Only a happy and confident student succeeds and not the one who is anxious, stressed or depressed. It is natural to experience all types of emotions – happiness, sadness, anxiety, fear etc but learning to control them effectively is very important. 

The Wisdom School presented a workshop on International Day of Happiness (20th March) based on - ‘Managing Emotions – A key to happiness’ consists of activities, focussed on imparting a better understanding of different emotions, ways to manage emotions, understand emotions of others and build empathy towards them.


The workshop was appropriately organized for the age group: 10 to 14 years, i.e. from Class-V to IX. This workshop provided detailed guidelines to the students/ teacher who attended the workshop. All the necessary resources such as video/ PPT/ display resource/ handouts/ worksheets/ Parents’ Circular etc required to conduct the activities were given with the intelligently organized activities.      

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