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Side Effects of Stress


Side Effects of Stress

(16 Side Effects of Stress: Stress can reduce the effect of the vaccine; understand from the graphic that stress affects which parts of the body.)

Stress is a cause of heart attack, abdominal pain and muscle stiffness.

If you are going to get Corona vaccine, then definitely read this news. American scientists have said in recent research that if you live under stress and depression for longer, then the effect of the vaccine may be reduced on you. It can be understood in easy language that it can have an effect on the immunity that grows in the body after the vaccine.

Scientists at Ohio State University say, research suggests that the Corona vaccine has an effect and a connection to human mental health. In different research conducted so far, it has also been proved that stress can affect the body in 9 ways, not just on immunity. Stress causes cases ranging from headache to heart attack.


How to understand you are struggling with stress?

Psychologist Dr. Anamika Papadiwal says, if you feel weakness, sleeplessness, fatigue, abdominal pain and muscle pain, then seek medical advice. These symptoms are associated with stress.

4 ways to maintain mental health:

1. Do not stop talking to friends and family members

Do not keep distance from family, friends, cousins ​​and relatives. Stay connected to them with the help of calling, video calling, message, and conferencing. Dr. Anamika Papadiwal says when we keep sharing or talking our thoughts or ideas to someone, negative thoughts are less in the mind. Cases of stress and depression are mostly due to feeling lonely.

2. Keep yourself busy in your hobbies:

The best way to overcome stress is to keep yourself busy in the things that you like to do such as writing, gardening, dancing or workouts etc. While at home, trim your skills so that negative thoughts cannot enter your mind.

3. Listen to music, it relieves the sadness of the mind:

Music works to fill the energy in the depressed mind. It has also been proved in research. Whenever you are struggling with stress or depression, listen to music. It helps to release hormones in the mind that keep you happy.

4. It is not good to remain locked in the house at all times

If under stress, do not imprison yourself at home. Exit and move around. Plan an outing with friends. In this way meditation will be divided and the sadness of the mind will be removed. The more you keep yourself busy, the better.

Research by The University of Vermont Medical Centre in New York proved the effect of these actions. These actions increase happiness, hope and good sleep within the human and reduce stress.

Research around the The University of Vermont Medical Centre in New York says the things, sounds and fragrance around you leave an impact on your body in many ways. Scientists did research on 5 such actions and understood their benefits. They found, these actions increase happiness, hope and good sleep in a human being. Apart from this, it also enhances the ability to fight against diseases.

These actions reduce restlessness and tension. Through these, one feels close to the surrounding environment rather than focusing on thoughts.

Also read: Stress Management during Exams

These are the 5 actions:

A. Watch the five things carefully:

Look at the environment around you. Notice five things that you do not pay attention to on normal days. Like trees planted in the park. Note the name. World and Nature around you, beautiful artifacts etc.

B. Touch and feel the four things:

At home or outside, pay attention to four things that you can touch and feel. Like the texture of your clothes, the smooth surface of the table at home, flowers and leaves of plants and trees and caring hands of your loved hands.

C. Listen to the three sounds:

Try to feel the three sounds that make up the background music like the chirping of birds outside the house, the music playing in other room, etc.

D. Smell two things:

Try to pay attention to smells that you don't normally value. Like the aroma of food being made in the kitchen. Fruits ripened in the courtyard or on trees. They can also write their names.

E. Taste one thing, feel the taste:

The easiest is to try to identify its taste if you are eating something right now. Apart from this, one can feel chewing gum or any other beverage while drinking it.

These actions relieve and soothe the elderly.

According to the Journal of Brain, Behaviour and Immunity, stress can be reduced with the help of these actions in just 8 weeks. Not only this, these actions improve immunity in the elderly between 55 and 85 years.

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  1. Stress has become very common nowadays and awareness is highly required.


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